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To prepare high school students with disabilities for work, inclusion, and independence after graduation through vocational discovery, skills building, job shadowing, internships, and job placement services.

Olympia, WA

Mother Caroline Academy

To increase post-secondary education opportunities, and increase workforce competitiveness of low-income girls of color through STEAM education. (2-year grant)

Dorchester, MA

Mother Caroline Academy

To replace traditional lighting with motion-sensor light switches, allowing for energy conservation and lower operating costs.

Dorchester, MA

Mothers For Justice And Equality Inc

To provide middle school youth with hands-on STEM lessons as well as access to field trips, academic enrichment, and guest speakers that support the exploration and understanding of civic issues. (2-year grant)

Roxbury, MA

Mujeres Unidas Avanzando (MUA)

To provide immigrants and English language learners with training in health care fields, along with social services and supports. (2-year grant)

Dorchester, MA

Multi-Service Center

To provide families experiencing homelessness with comprehensive case management and a safe place to live while they stabilize their lives and learn to access community resources. (2-year grant)

Federal Way, WA

Multiplying Good

To deliver an evidence-based service learning and leadership curriculum designed for middle and high schoolers. (2-year grant)

New York, NY

My Possibilities

To provide hands-on training and skills development for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities so they can obtain inclusive jobs at a competitive wage.

Plano, TX

Mystic River Watershed Association, Inc.

To advance climate resiliency in Somerville by expanding access to park spaces, promoting the adoption of green storm water infrastructure, and engaging residents on the benefits of more permeable city surfaces.

Arlington, MA

National Braille Press

To put braille books and educational resources into the hands of blind children so they will have equal access to the same information and materials as their sighted peers.

Boston, MA